Flag of Sabaragamuwa

Flag of Sabaragamuwa
Use Civil and state flag
Proportion 2:3
Adopted 1987
Design A dark red flag boarded by yellow edges with four yellow bo leaves in the corners and in the middle is a lion holding a whip like object, there are also a sun and a moon either side of the lion.

The flag of Sabaragamuwa, was adopted for the Sabaragamuwa of Sri Lanka in 1987.



The flag of the Sabaragamuwa is a dark red flag boarded by yellow edges, like the Sri Lankan Flag it has four yellow bo leaves in the corners and in the middle is a lion holding a whip like object, there are also a sun and a moon either side of the lion.[1]

See also


  1. ^ Macdonald, Ian. "Sabaragamuwa Province (Sri Lanka)". FOTW. http://flagspot.net/flags/lk-sabar.html. Retrieved 9 December 2011. 

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